Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Mom Talk #8: Reflections All Around You

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Dearest Children of Mine,

In Mom Talk #7 we talked about why you should be nice.  Today I want to talk about how it happens that everywhere you go, you seem to meet up with the same people.

We had a standing joke with your Grandmother about this.  She and Granddaddy traveled a great deal, and on coming home after  every. single.  trip.  she would invariably report, "we met the nicest people!"  Eventually, we joked with her that the nicest people seemed to have her itinerary and were following her.  Honestly, it was one of her most admirable qualities.

There's an old story about a man who was looking for a new city in which to live.  He walked to the gates of a city and asked a wise man sitting beside the gate, "What are the people in this city like?"  The wise man asked him, "What are the people like in the city where you came from?'  "Oh," the first man said, "they are terrible.  They're unfriendly and they lie and cheat and steal.  You can't trust anybody."  The wise man advised, "The people of this city are exactly like that.  You should move on."  Later, another traveler approached the wise man.  "What are the people in this city like?" he asked.  The wise man asked again, "What are the people like in the city where you came from?"  "Oh," the man said, "they were the most wonderful people.  Kind, generous, friendly.  Just the best you could ever hope to meet!"  The wise man replied, "The people of this city are exactly like that.  Please enter in!"

People are reflectors.  Whatever we project, that's what we'll see reflected in those around us.  I have no doubt that every person who met your Grandmother on her travels went home and reported that they had met the nicest woman.   Because she was warm and genuine and friendly, that's the kind of people she encountered time after time, the whole world over.

If you find that you don't like the reflections you're seeing in the people around you, change what you're projecting.  I'm certain you'll see a difference.

Tomorrow, we'll talk about a few things you should consider about what you're projecting.

for the introduction and index of the posts in this 31 Days series, click }here{
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