Sunday, October 26, 2014

Mom Talk #21: Write it Down

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Dearest Children of Mine,

Previously, we talked about how much easier it is to deal with things when they're fresh - the longer you wait, the harder it gets, whether it's a bug on the windshield or something you need to get right with another person.  Today, the topic relates to helping yourself sort out matters of the heart.

“There is a basin in the mind where words float around on thought and thought on sound and sight. Then there is a depth of thought untouched by words, and deeper still a gulf of formless feelings untouched by thought.”  ― Zora Neale HurstonTheir Eyes Were Watching God

In my opinion, the very best way to sort through your feelings is to write them out, and it's my strong recommendation that you develop a regular habit of journaling.  You can write in a paper journal or keep a digital journal, write free form, use a template or writing prompts.  Find what works best for you, and write consistently.

Here are some reasons why journaling can be a great thing in your life:

Process your feelings

Just because your feelings fill up your heart doesn't necessarily mean you know what they are. Writing will help you figure out what you feel and will naturally help you explore why you feel that way.

Find the right words

If you're in a situation that's going to require a difficult conversation, journaling can help you put your feelings into words.  It can also help prevent saying hurtful things if you get the ugly words and feelings out privately before you have a discussion.  One caveat:  you must never leave hurtful words in your journal that you wouldn't someone else to see.  After you write the hard stuff out, it must be destroyed, and you may find that knowing the hurtful things you write are to be destroyed will help you be more wholly honest with yourself.

Be heard

We all need to have our say, but sometimes there's no one around to listen, or maybe the people  around you won't really understand. The fact is, no one is more interested in what you have to say than you, and no one understands you better :o)  You can act as your own best friend in the pages of your own journal.

Find a solution

You'll see that there's a natural turning toward optimism and solving problems when you write long enough.  Eventually you'll make the mental shift from talking about what's happening and how you feel about it to what you're going to do about it.

Journaling isn't just for dramatic teenage girls.  Keeping a journal can be a fun way to capture snapshots of your life and chronicle your personal life lessons.

Next, a word about the company you keep.

for the introduction and index of the posts in this 31 Days series, click }here{
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