Sunday, September 2, 2012

That awkward moment when ...

You know how awkward it feels when you've been keeping something secret and it's time to fess up?

(image source unknown)


Well ... I've been blogging for a while but I haven't told many people about it.  
I wanted to figure things out with no audience.

I haven't really figured things all out, but I do know that I love blogging.  

So this is the awkward moment when I'm not sure how exactly to say to close friends and family,
"oh, by the way, I've been doing this blogging thing for several months ...
and I really love it ...
I just haven't mentioned it to you."


There it is.  That's how you say it.  :o)

Here's why I love blogging:

1)  Blogging makes you take a deeper look at life and pay attention.  It makes you look for good things to write about. 
(see my Happy Hours post)  

2)  Blogging builds an appreciation for your life and helps you see it from the outside.  When you look at your life from an external perspective ... don't most of us have about a gazillion things to be thankful for?
(see You Know it was a Good Weekend When ... )

3a)  Blogging is a creative outlet.  I love to write.  Writing has long been my favored form of expression.  Blogging feels natural and I love putting life at the JustB into words.  

3b)  Blogging is a creative outlet.  I love to take pictures.  I love  to take pictures - but I'll never be a professional photographer or have a studio.  So blogging is a fabulous photography playground.  
(see my Wildflowers post)

5)  You meet the nicest people in blogland.  I mean really.  The NICEST, most creative, inspiring, wise, witty, encouraging, funniest people!  Blogging makes the world wide web feel like Mayberry.  
(see my Cheerleaders post)

So today I would like to say a special hello to my friends and family who didn't know I had a blog  ... because this is that awkward moment when I say:

oh, ummmmm, by the way ... 

welcome to my blog :o) 

I'm linking this post to Amanda's Weekend Bloggy Reading Party at Serenity Now!  

Shared joy is doubled joy ... let's double the joy for both of us - what are you most grateful for today? Click below to leave your comment. I'll go first :

  1. Hello I am stopping by to say it here. Where is the coffee bar? Wait I think I see it :)

    1. why yes, you do ... now that we have a functioning coffee maker :o)

  2. HI!!!!!! You make my seasons joyful :)

  3. The treeline gets me every time....refreshes the know I always go there first

  4. Alrighty then! This is awesome Melissa ... I'll catch up on the new posts.
