Friday, March 20, 2015

Let's Hear It For Getting Your Spring Groove Back

Happy First Day of Spring!  I'm a four season loving girl, but this area of Texas doesn't stand on ceremony when it comes to seasons.  January temperatures soar into the 70's and the snow holds off until March.  I do my best not to let it annoy me that the windows may be open to let in lovely cool breezes even though the Christmas decorations are up, or that the spring decor is out but it's sleeting outside.  Today it's rainy and cold, and I'm longing for spring flowers and sunshine.  

 (image source)

The season change from winter to spring is my least favorite.  I put the Christmas decor away and leave the winter decor up until March, because this:

Actually I was glad that the winter decor was still up while there was snow on the ground, because otherwise, it just feels all wrong.  The snow melted, then the rains came (which we must not begrudge) and the ground was too wet to fetch all the spring boxes from the shed.  Everything just feels in between.

I love the excitement of New Years with it's Auld Lang Syne and ball dropping and ringing in the new year, and I totally geek out on resolutions and goals and planning.  I love cold weather and a fire in the fireplace, but come the end of February, I'm just ready for the grey part of the year to be done.  My heart lags a little bit.  I keep on keeping on, but inside I just feel stuck, like I can't get anything done.  Do you ever feel that way?

This week I read Meg Duerkson's blog post Trail Mix, a Playlist and Crazy Strong Abs.  Do you follow Meg?  If you love rainbow colors, beautiful photography, family life, creativity and a genuine heart, you'll love her.  She shared her workout playlist and I snagged a couple of great workout songs, headed to my ITunes library, and assembled a workout playlist of my own.  I've loved walking these past several months, but I could use an infusion of something new besides watching for snakes newly out from winter hiding - GAH. 

May I Present The 'Get Your Groove Back' Workout Playlist:

These songs were chosen specifically for the kind of tempo that makes it impossible to keep still.  I've talked before }here{ about how I feel about lyrics of popular music today - no need to be alarmed: my morals are firmly intact!  When my walk with this list playing in my ear was done, the winter blues were nowhere in sight.  It was a little bit like this:

except not nearly as cute and Kevin Bacon didn't make an appearance.

I braved the drive across marshy ground to the shed and loaded the truck up with boxes full of spring.  The winter stuff couldn't be put away fast enough, and the house is a blank palette.

Thinking about filling things out with the soft tones of spring makes me happy.  And if the tempo starts to lag, I'm ready with my secret weapon blues-banishing playlist.

What about you?  Are there times of the year that make you feel stuck?  What's on your get your groove back playlist?


Shared joy is doubled joy ... let's double the joy for both of us - what are you most grateful for today? Click below to leave your comment. I'll go first :

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