Friday, March 4, 2016

Family Surfing Night #16

Because we do not spend nearly enough time in front of our screens watching silly videos, we bring you the 16th edition of FAMILY SURFING NIGHT!  LtDan and I were vastly underprepared for this cut throat competition, so this is a Kids Only edition :)

Nathan tried to convince us that we were surfing too soon, that it could not have been a month since he won the trophy with his Pen and Teller Power Tools Magic Show, but he's no match for the calendar - it's time!  People are willing to go to great lengths to keep their name on a paper trophy on the refrigerator, we all know it's true.

Click }here{ if you want an explanation about what this means in our family ... otherwise, enjoy!

First up is Aaron's video, which the kids have been referencing FOR WEEKS.  Now I understand why I keep hearing "Heh-woe, Mista Cwow" ...

From Abbie, Snoop Dog narrates an exciting encounter on Planet Earth ...

From Nathan, the Dog of Wisdom.  Great stuff, here.  No seriously ...

From Ben, dissociative identity affect comes to Family Surfing Night.  Full disclosure:  the video is lengthy and we didn't watch the whole thing.  See how long you can watch it before you have to go to a darkened room and see if you can replicate the affect.  We lasted about five minutes before we had to see if we could become something we don't ...

And the winner IS ...

Snoop Dog and Planet Earth! 
 "I ain't never seen no gator bein' punked by no mongooses!"  
Me neither, Snoop, me neither.  That's why your video wins!

Shared joy is doubled joy ... let's double the joy for both of us - what are you most grateful for today? Click below to leave your comment. I'll go first :

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