Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Pause That Refreshes

I’m not a big break-taker.  Me, I just keep working until it’s done or I drop.  
So it always takes me a little bit by surprise at how refreshing it is 
to get away for just a little bit. 

Lt. Dan's folks live in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  It's a small resort town, in the Ouachita Mountains.  

There are lots of touristy things to do there, including lake activities, camping, hiking, and shopping.  
There are also various spa and entertainment options and much of historical value to take in.  

But our favorite Hot Springs destination by far is the Rocky Retreat ... 

also known as my in-law's house :o)  
It's definitely more than a house ... the Rocky Retreat is very much a haven.  

When my in-laws were looking for a place to settle in for retirement, they found this little piece of land on the side of a mountain, just outside the city limits.  It was undeveloped, but there were level places from a rock quarry business that was there many years ago.  

When we looked at the property the first time, it was trees, rocks and weeds.  
But they could see the potential, these two ...


and together they tamed the wild into a home that's pure delight. 

Lt. Dan's father played in these woods with his three brothers when they were little.  
He loves everysingle. rock on the property.  
Which is a good thing, because there are LOTS of them ... 

These rocks and boulders tumble down the mountain behind and to the side of the house.  It's a magnificent waterfall of rocks when it's dry.  When it rains, it's rushing white water.  

I feel like this when I'm there ...

because everywhere you look is something lovely ... 

This peaceful place has been appreciated for a long time ... 

See the yellow tree in the painting on the left?  The same sweetgum tree is there on the right ... 
just 50 years later.

Our kiddos have lots of fond memories here ...

And while I could sit on the porch and never move ...

The kids generally want to go do something.  This time we opted for Putt-Putt Golf at Pirate's Cove ... 

a charming and whimsical mini-golf adventure if ever there was one!

After a rousing round of putt-putt, we walked down historic Central Avenue ...

On this particular weekend, there was an event going on that drew LOTS of bikers ... 

Bathhouses line Central Avenue ... 

And running behind and above Bathhouse Row is the Grand Promenade ... 

a work begun in the 1930's that is still beautiful.

Old buildings, now converted to shops and restaurants, line the other side of Central Avenue.  
This building, once an apartment building,  ... 

was managed by Lt.Dan's grandfather for several years.

There's lots of fun shopping to be done ... 

But we're ready to head back to the Rocky Retreat.

 To sit on the porch, 
watch the full moon bathe everything in silver light, 
listen to the whippoorwills,
let the pace slow,
and let the peace sink down real deep ...


that's the pause that refreshes.  

Shared joy is doubled joy ... let's double the joy for both of us - what are you most grateful for today? Click below to leave your comment. I'll go first :

  1. coming off a break myself (and I also do not naturally take breaks but I need to be told to rest...) I completely relate! These pictures are great- I love the ones of your boys!!! :)

    1. Yay for breaks! This break really gave me a glimpse of my kids outside a mother’s eyes … it shouldn’t surprise me that I like them so much, but it did :o)

  2. awwwww love this you captured it perfectly!
